Occupied EL QODS – The UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) warned on Sunday of an “unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe” underway in Palestine. “Not a drop of water, not a grain of wheat, not a liter ...
RAMALLAH (Palestine occupée)- Au moins 2.268 Palestiniens sont tombés en martyrs et 9.814 autres ont été blessés, dans l’agression sioniste en cours contre la bande de Ghaza et la Cisjordanie occupées, a rapporté l’agence de ...
United Nations (New York) – On Friday, the UN Security Council will hold closed consultations on developments in the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories, in light of the continued aggression of the Zionist occupation ...
Ramallah (Occupied Palestine) – Today, the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates condemned the crimes of the Zionist occupation against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, which were committed by the Zionist war ...