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United Nations: Studies on trends in combating terrorism and border management in Africa


New York (United Nations) – The Permanent Mission of Algeria to the United Nations in New York and the Executive Directorate of the Counter-Terrorism Committee at the United Nations Headquarters supervised the launch of a series of important studies on combating terrorism and border management in Africa, in light of the increasing challenges facing the continent as a result of growing terrorist threats.

This important event, which was organized at the United Nations headquarters, was devoted to highlighting two critical reports on “Counter-terrorism and border management in Africa: fundamental and cross-cutting challenges” and “Counter-terrorism and border management in Africa: technical and capacity gaps.”

These studies are based on comprehensive assessments conducted by the Executive Directorate of the Counter-Terrorism Committee between 2018 and 2023 in 15 African countries, and include crucial recommendations from the Committee on strengthening border management.

The opening of the meeting was supervised by Ambassador Amar Bendjama , Permanent Representative of Algeria to the United Nations and Chairman of the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee, who stressed in his speech “the urgent need to strengthen international cooperation to confront the terrorist threat,” describing it as “the main threat to peace and security.” In Africa”.

Mr. Bendjama also stressed “the need to follow a comprehensive approach that addresses the roots of terrorism and combats its manifestations,” calling for “significantly enhancing border management capabilities, including increasing investments in infrastructure, technology and human resources.”

The event included a group of high-level experts, including Ms. Natalia Germain, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate, who moderated the discussion to explore in depth the issues raised by the two reports.

This initiative is part of a broader effort to strengthen international cooperation in combating terrorism, as Algeria, in its capacity as the African Union’s counter-terrorism coordinator, affirmed “its commitment to several continental projects, including developing a new action plan for the African Union and activating the African Counter-Terrorism Fund.”

This event received wide participation, whether in person or remotely, which reflects the importance that the international community attaches to this urgent issue.



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