The world is facing numerous challenges that threaten peace and security.
NEW YORK (United Nations) – The Permanent Representative of Algeria to the United Nations, Amar Bendjama, called on Thursday for Security Council members to “work tirelessly” and “effectively” in the face of challenges to peace and security worldwide.
During the ceremony for the installation of the flags of the five new non-permanent members of the Security Council at UN headquarters in New York, Mr. Bendjama emphasized that it is the duty of the members of this UN body to “work tirelessly and effectively to defend the virtues of multilateralism and promote peace and security around the world.”
“The world is facing numerous challenges that threaten international peace and security,” he stated. “The situation in the Middle East is very concerning,” the Algerian diplomat noted, adding that “significant security challenges also affect other regions in Africa, the Americas, Europe, and Asia.”
Mr. Bendjama welcomed the newly elected countries to the Security Council while congratulating the states whose terms have just expired for their work.
Pakistan, Somalia, Greece, Denmark, and Panama were elected by the UN General Assembly to serve on the Security Council in 2025-2026. They replace Switzerland, Japan, Mozambique, Ecuador, and Malta. They join the five other elected members for the 2024-2025 term: Algeria, which is presiding over the Security Council this January, Guyana, Sierra Leone, Slovenia, and South Korea.
After the installation of the flags of the five new non-permanent members, the Permanent Representatives of the countries present at the ceremony posed for a group photo.