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The UN Security Council holds a meeting on promoting and maintaining peace in the world


New York (United Nations) – Today, The UN Security Council will hold a meeting entitled “Promoting and sustaining peace through a comprehensive approach – investing in people and empowering women.”

It is expected that the Assistant Secretary-General for the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific Affairs, Mohamed Khaled Khayari, the Director of the United Nations Development Programme, Achim Steiner, and a representative of civil society, will provide briefings on the subject.

Today’s meeting will focus on “the importance of a comprehensive approach in responding to transnational risks to peace and security, to which all countries are exposed, such as poverty, food and energy insecurity, climate change, epidemics, and all forms of violence, discrimination and gender-based inequality,” according to the Security Council website.

In this context, emphasis will be placed on how to confront these risks by providing security, investing in and empowering the human element, especially women and people most at risk, and building institutions that meet basic human needs and support sustainable development and trust between countries and their citizens, the source adds.

The meeting is an opportunity “to discuss how to implement the comprehensive approach through the use of the United Nations toolkit and other non-United Nations tools to promote and maintain peace and security, in light of the preparations for the future summit scheduled to be held on September 22 and 23 and the review of the peacebuilding architecture.” United Nations for the year 2025.

It is expected that the interveners – according to the same source – will discuss how to address the challenges in enhancing effective cooperation between national authorities and United Nations peace operations, and Security Council resolutions that would stimulate increased cooperation and coherence between peace operations and United Nations agencies, funds and programmes.

The policy brief issued by the UN Secretary-General in July 2023, entitled “A New Agenda for Peace,” which outlines his vision for the future of multipolarity and the work of the United Nations on peace and security in a changing world, highlighted the comprehensive approach as a critical element in preventing the outbreak of conflicts.


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