Algeria – In blatant defiance of all United Nations resolutions related to the decolonization of Western Sahara, Morocco and France are in a desperate attempt to revive the colonial system that prevailed in the nineteenth ...
Paris – The diplomatic shift made by the Elysee through its declared support for the alleged Moroccan plan for “autonomy” in Western Sahara may be due to sensitive information obtained by Morocco without its knowledge ...
Paris – In an article published on the French “Media Part” website, researchers considered the new position of French President Emmanuel Macron on Western Sahara a “major turning point” in Paris’s position on settling the ...
ALGER – L’Algérie a exprimé, jeudi, sa “profonde désapprobation” de la décision “inattendue, inopportune et contre-productive” de la France d’apporter son soutien au plan d’autonomie défendu par le Maroc pour le Sahara occidental, affirmant que ...