Le Moyen-Orient a longtemps été une région marquée par des conflits, des intrigues politiques et des tensions religieuses. La situation actuelle suscite la réflexion sur un paradoxe : la chose que nous avons résistée—une guerre ...
ALGIERS – The Palestinian people will celebrate on Friday the 36th anniversary of the proclamation of the State of Palestine from Algerian soil, in a context marked by the ongoing Zionist occupation exacerbated by the ...
New York (United Nations) – Algeria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Amar BendJama, called yesterday, Monday, for an “immediate” and “permanent” ceasefire in Gaza and Lebanon. During an urgent meeting of the Security ...
NEW YORK (UNITED NATIONS) – The ten (10) elected members of the Security Council, including Algeria, expressed Thursday in a joint declaration their deep concern about the resurgence of tensions in the Middle East, denouncing ...