ALGIERS – Minister of Energy and Mines, Mohamed Arkab, makes a working visit to the Belgian capital, Brussels, for the 5th annual high-level meeting of the energy dialogue between Algeria and the European Union (EU), ...
ALGER- Le Président de la République, M. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, a mis fin aux fonctions de M. Toufik Hakkar à la tête du groupe national des hydrocarbures, Sonatrach, et nommé M. Rachid Hachichi comme nouveau PDG ...
ALGIERS- Air Algérie inaugurated, Sunday evening at Houari-Boumediene International Airport, its first direct flight linking Algiers to Johannesburg in South Africa. The Minister of Transport, Youcef Cherfa, chaired, together with the Director General (DG) of ...