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Call to the International Court to Use “Interpol” to Arrest Netanyahu


The Arab Organization for Human Rights in Britain has called on the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to request the International Police Organization “Interpol” to arrest the so-called “Prime Minister” of the Zionist entity, Benjamin Netanyahu, and his former “Minister” of Defense, Yoav Galant, on charges of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip.

Following the issuance of arrest warrants against them by the International Criminal Court, the organization welcomed the decision in a statement on Saturday, considering it “the first step towards eliminating the impunity enjoyed by officials in the Zionist entity for decades due to the unlimited support from the United States and other countries.”

The organization urged the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to request that Interpol, under Article 4 of the agreement signed with the Prosecutor’s Office in 2004, circulate Red Notices for the wanted individuals, which would obligate the 195 member states of Interpol to arrest the fugitives if they arrive in those countries.

The organization noted that there are numerous files in front of the Prosecutor that must be addressed since Palestine came under the court’s jurisdiction in June 2014. The list of politicians and military leaders who have committed crimes within the court’s jurisdiction is extensive, and they must be pursued urgently, similar to other cases handled by the Prosecutor’s Office.

The organization added that “one of the most significant files that must be addressed is the ongoing settlement in all occupied territories, which threatens the Palestinian existence, following the announcement by the so-called ‘Minister’ of Finance of the occupying state of the intention to annex the West Bank.”

The organization emphasized that “the slow procedures and hesitation in dealing with the files presented to the Prosecutor’s Office since June 2014 have encouraged the Zionist entity to commit the most serious crimes, as they felt immune to any prosecution. What is hoped today, after the issuance of the two warrants, is that more arrest warrants will be issued to deter the occupation and stop its crimes, especially the ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip.”

The Arab Organization called on all countries that have supported the occupation, including members of the International Criminal Court, over more than a year of genocide in the Gaza Strip, to stop this support in all its forms and to dedicate their efforts to halt the genocidal war through practical and decisive measures.



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