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Western Sahara: Morocco and France revive the old colonial regime


Algeria – In blatant defiance of all United Nations resolutions related to the decolonization of Western Sahara, Morocco and France are in a desperate attempt to revive the colonial system that prevailed in the nineteenth century with all its brutality and injustice, according to what the newspaper “Le Soir d’Algerie” wrote in An article published in its Tuesday issue, making it to the front page.

The author of the article, entitled “The Demons of Colonialism are haunting France again,” said that the Elysee “brazenly trampled on international law by granting what does not belong to those who do not deserve it, in a purely colonial tendency, ignoring all United Nations resolutions and attacking the Security Council, of which France is a member.” Always in it, and European justice.”

The newspaper considered that “by seizing the land of a people in an immoral manner, the two colonialists, the professor and his student, are reviving the colonial system that prevailed in the nineteenth century with all its brutality and injustice, even though everyone knows that France has always supported, with all its might, Morocco’s colonization of Western Sahara since 1975.

It added that the people of Western Sahara “will not stop confronting those who try to deprive them of their homeland for commercial and imaginary reasons,” especially since international legitimacy and international law support the Sahrawis who are more committed than ever to thwarting all the maneuvers and plans of the colonial Makhzen regime and its allies.

It should be noted that the month of October witnessed legal gains in favor of the legitimate rights of the Sahrawi people and their just cause after the European Court of Justice recognized the illegality of trade agreements between the European Union and Morocco that include the occupied Sahrawi lands. This historic decision reaffirms the established facts regarding the issue of Western Sahara after 49 years, namely that Morocco has no sovereignty over Western Sahara and that Western Sahara and the Kingdom of Morocco are separate and distinct countries.

This decision is in addition to the decision issued by the International Court of Justice in The Hague on October 16, 1975, which categorically denies any sovereignty of the Kingdom of Morocco over Western Sahara, and emphasizes the necessity of enabling the Sahrawi people to effectively and legitimately exercise their right to self-determination.



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