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Algeria INTERNATIONAL Middle East NEWS Security

Attaf: Security in the Middle East cannot remain hostage to the whims of the Zionist entity


New York (United Nations) – The Minister of Foreign Affairs and the National Community Abroad, Mr. Ahmed Attaf, confirmed yesterday evening, Wednesday from New York, that it is time for the UN Security Council to realize that the issue of security in the Middle East region cannot remain hostage to the whims of the Zionist entity, pointing out that The absence of holding him accountable and punishing him was a green light given to the expansion and extension of his crime circle.

In his speech during the emergency meeting of the Security Council on the situation in Lebanon, Mr. Attaf pointed out that the blatant and barbaric Zionist aggression that this brotherly country is being subjected to once again, whose ugliness, atrocity and gravity are only matched by what has afflicted Gaza, “represents an integral part of the policy of escalation.” Which made the Israeli settlement occupation a preferred approach and a strategy relied on on more than one front and in more than one direction in the entire Middle East region.”

The Minister added that the Zionist entity is no longer satisfied with the genocidal war it is committing against the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank, “but rather it has started igniting one crisis after another and is seeking, day after day, to extend its criminality and impose its tyranny on all neighboring countries, in Yemen, and in Syria, in Iran, and currently in Lebanon.

In this context, he expressed his solidarity and sympathy with the brotherly Lebanese people in the face of this heinous and disgraceful Zionist aggression, stressing that “this requires from us and from our Council this clear condemnation, strict denunciation, absolute rejection, and urgent action to stop it and hold accountable those who caused it and those supervising its implementation.”

The minister stressed that “the violation of its sovereignty, the undermining of its security, and the blow to its stability that Lebanon is exposed to have been completed, all the elements of the crimes that the Israeli occupation copied from Gaza to implement in Lebanon have been completed. They are the crime against peace, the crime of aggression, the crime against humanity, the crime of war, and the crime of genocide.” Or rather, turning Lebanon into another Gaza.”

He pointed out what the Lebanese and Palestinians are suffering today, and with them all the countries and peoples of the region, which represents a price that all of them are paying with their lives, property and abilities because the Security Council did not carry out its responsibilities to stop the ongoing war of genocide in Gaza, pointing out that “the fuse of escalation was lit first in Gaza before it extended.” Its flames later spread to all parts of the region.”

The minister added that all of these people are paying the price with their lives, property, and abilities, because the Security Council was unable “to restrain the Israeli occupier and hold him accountable for his crimes,” stressing that “the absence of accountability, accountability, and punishment was the green signal given to the expansion of the circle of Israeli crime and the extension of its borders.”

The reason is also due – according to Mr. Attaf – to the Security Council’s inability “to force the Israeli occupation to abandon its illusions and the mirage of achieving security and stability for itself, by spreading insecurity and instability in its neighbourhood, because this occupation has begun to prove to us that it believes in word and deed that His enjoyment of security lies in depriving his neighbourhood of it.”

In this regard, the Minister stressed that “it is time for the Security Council to realize that the issue of security and stability in the Middle East region cannot remain hostage to the whims and illusions of the Israeli occupation, which it can dispose of and tamper with its fate as it pleases,” noting that the Zionist entity has proven that “it does not He believes in peace and does not want peace, and he considers himself an exception to everything that brings us together under the dome of our organization in terms of references, constants, rules, controls and rulings.”

In this situation – Mr. Attaf adds – “Algeria confirms that working to stop the escalation is the least that can be expected from this council, today before tomorrow. The Middle East region is in dire need of everyone’s combined efforts to spare it the scourge of a comprehensive war looming on the near, not the distant, horizon.” “.

He continued by saying: “My country stresses that these efforts to stop the escalation must focus, first and foremost, on putting a final end to the hell being imposed on the Palestinian people in Gaza, and that the same efforts should be directed towards the aggressor and not the aggressor, that is, towards the Israeli occupation, not towards Palestinians, Lebanese, or other countries in the region that have been affected by Israeli crimes of all kinds and types, and that are fed up with the coercion, tyranny and tyranny of this occupation.”

The minister added that Algeria’s conviction remains firm that the return of security and stability in the Middle East depends on the Security Council’s ability to overcome the constraints that undermine its performance, “to impose full and comprehensive respect for Lebanon’s unity, sovereignty, and the sanctity of its soil, and to implement the resolutions it adopted for a ceasefire in Gaza and to put an end to For the systematic Israeli escalation in the region, to end the occupation of Palestinian and Arab lands, and to impose the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state as a just, permanent, and final solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict.”



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