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Algeria calls for the launch of a comprehensive and constructive negotiating path leading to ending the war in Ukraine


New York (United Nations) – Algeria called on Tuesday in New York to intensify and redouble efforts in order to launch a comprehensive and constructive negotiating path leading to an end to the war in Ukraine.

This came in a speech by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the National Community Abroad, Mr. Ahmed Attaf, during a meeting of the United Nations Security Council on the topic “Maintaining peace and security in Ukraine.”

In this regard, the Minister highlighted that the desired path should aim to achieve a political and peaceful solution to the conflict, distance both parties to the conflict from the logic of the victor and the vanquished, and be based on the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and the legitimacy of international law, because these principles and this legitimacy It is the arbiter of separation between member states of the United Nations.

In the same context, Mr. Attaf mentioned the considerations that formed the motives for the initiative presented by the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, to mediate between the two parties to the conflict, Russia and Ukraine, explaining that the intention of this was and continues to be to build on the distinguished relations that Algeria brings together with these two friendly countries. In order to bring viewpoints closer and work to overcome the conflict through peaceful means.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs also regretted the scarcity of comprehensive international initiatives and the futility of diplomatic moves aimed at giving priority to the language of dialogue despite the gravity of the repercussions and remnants of this conflict, stressing Algeria’s firm conviction that ending the war is still within the power of the international community if the appropriate climate is provided for the success of any diplomatic initiative that seeks to achieve A settlement that achieves the acceptance of both parties to the conflict and their commitment to its implementation.



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