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The 36th Conference of The Arab Parliamentary Union : The Palestine Committee calls for mobilizing support to hold the leaders of the Zionist occupation accountable for the crimes of genocide.


Algeria – The Palestine Committee of the Arab Parliamentary Union called today, Sunday, at the Abdellatif Rahal International Conference Center in Algiers, for mobilizing regional and international support in order to support the arrest warrants issued by the International Criminal Court against The Zionist war criminals and hold them accountable for the crimes of genocide in Palestine.

At the meeting, Algeria presented, through its representative in the committee, MP in the National People’s Assembly, Mohamed Yazid Ben Hamouda, three proposals that were unanimously adopted by the committee, highlighting Algeria’s efforts in serving the Palestinian cause, especially in the UN Security Council. Mr. Ben Hamouda stressed “the necessity of adhering to the principle of peace based on the two-state solution and the just, comprehensive and final solution to this conflict and stopping the crimes of the Zionist entity on all the occupied Arab territories, including the Syrian Golan and southern Lebanon.”

The intervener also stressed “the necessity of mobilizing regional and international support to support the arrest warrants issued by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court against the leaders of the Zionist occupation and to hold them accountable for the crimes of genocide in Palestine.”

In this context, Mr. Ben Hamouda urged the necessity of “continuing rapid action to force the entity to stop its unjust aggression against Gaza, open humanitarian corridors, and ensure the entry of aid into the Strip.”

One of the most important recommendations of the committee at the conclusion of its work was also to demand that the United Nations and the permanent members of the UN Security Council reconsider Palestine’s application to join as a full member of the United Nations.

In this context, he stressed “the necessity of providing everything necessary to redirect the international compass in order to grant Palestine full membership in the United Nations,” stressing that not accepting its full membership will open the door wide for the Zionist entity to continue its aggression and violations of the principles of international law and undermine any opportunity. potential for the desired peace.

The committee also recommended “intensifying consultation and communications between the heads of Arab councils and parliaments on the one hand and the parliaments of friendly countries that support the Palestinian cause on the other hand, in order to criminalize the occupation and provide protection for the Palestinian people who are steadfast in the face of the Zionist killing machine.”

The Palestine Committee called on the international community and all international actors to break their deafening silence regarding the continuation of the horrific and brutal genocidal massacres committed by the barbaric Zionist entity against the brotherly Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and various occupied Palestinian territories.

The Committee stressed the need to take a firm and unified international position to stop the Palestinian bloodbath that has been ongoing for more than seven decades and reject the practices of forced and racist displacement of the Palestinian people.

It also warned of “the repercussions of the dilapidated humanitarian and health situation in the Gaza Strip, which is exposed daily to deliberate killing and starvation (..),” stressing “the necessity of immediately allowing humanitarian and medical aid to enter the Gaza Strip adequately and without any obstacles, while ensuring safe access to confront the worsening crisis.” “And prevent famine and limit the spread of deadly diseases.”

The same committee held the United Nations, human rights organizations and international health organizations responsible for exerting pressure on the authorities of the Zionist entity and obligating them to abide by the international agreements signed regarding the immediate release of all Palestinian prisoners in the occupation prisons.

The committee also recommended the need to confront all illegal attempts by the Zionist entity to impose cultural, political and economic hegemony on Palestinian society in the occupied territories, and to take collective Arab decisions to stop these practices and all forms of Zionist orgy.

Regarding the settlement, the Palestine Committee called for stopping the construction of cancerous settlement outposts in various occupied Palestinian territories and activating international legal mechanisms that ensure that the authorities of the Zionist entity are held accountable and that they are effectively obligated to implement the resolutions of international legitimacy.



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