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Algeria Asia INTERNATIONAL Military NEWS

Army General Saïd Chanegriha meets with officials of Chinese companies specializing in the military industry


ALGIERS- Army General Saïd Chanegriha, Chief of Staff of the People’s National Army (ANP), met, Sunday, during the first day of his visit to China, managers of companies specializing in military industries and defense electronics, indicates the Ministry of National Defense in a press release.

“During the first day of his visit to the People’s Republic of China, Army General Saïd Chanegriha, Chief of Staff of the ANP, held an extended working meeting with the managers of the Chinese company Poly Technologies INC, specializing in military industries, where he followed a detailed presentation on the latest products of the company”, specifies the same source, adding that he was also “entitled to ample clarification on the development achieved by China in this area.

The Chief of Staff of the ANP and the delegation accompanying him “held another meeting with the managers of the Chinese company CETC, specializing in defense electronics, where he followed a presentation on the operation of this company and its expertise in the field of defense and maintenance, as well as on the means of coordination and cooperation in order to strengthen strategic cooperation between Algeria and China,” adds the press release.



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