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Energy|Algeria-EU|Arkab in Brussels for the 5th high-level meeting of the energy dialogue on Thursday


ALGIERS – Minister of Energy and Mines, Mohamed Arkab, makes a working visit to the Belgian capital, Brussels, for the 5th annual high-level meeting of the energy dialogue between Algeria and the European Union (EU), scheduled for Thursday

The meeting will make it possible to ”review topics of common interest in the field of energy, to assess the results of partnership activities since the last meeting held in Algiers on October 10, 2022,”.

It will also allow ”to discuss prospects for cooperation, particularly in the areas of natural gas supply, electrical interconnection, renewable energies, hydrogen and energy efficiency”.

The annual high-level meeting of the energy dialogue between Algeria and the EU is part of the implementation of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the strategic partnership between Algeria and the EU in the field of energy, signed in Algiers in 2013”,

The memorandum of understanding aims to ”develop and strengthen energy relations while respecting the interests of both parties”.




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